Corner Cleaner SGW-1

The new and vastly improved Pernamatic CNC corner cleaner. Prices starting from £38,000

-The new SGW-1 offers fabricators the luxury of:

-Manafactured in the UK

-Automatically recognizing profile anyway up

-Multiple suites

-Average cycle time of 30 seconds

-Remote access for program adjustments

The machine, built and designed in the UK, has built up a good reputation and improves year on year. The software, designed in house, gives Pernamatic the opportunity to constantly improve, matching the high standards in the trade. 



A linear actuated blade motor to add speed to the cleaning process. Along with making the machine cycle time faster, the actuated motor acts as an even safer working practice to previous supplied machines .

This method is used on both the SGW-1 and SGW-2